Runner Stories | Sam Velasco

Runner Stories | Sam Velasco

“A marathon was something I said I could never do until I did.” - Sam Velasco, Entrepreneur/ Marathoner

Speed runs, hill repeats, and taper tantrums couldn't picture a realization that you never get a second chance at your first time.

So here are 3 lessons I learned from my first 42KM:
1. Trust the process
My mind went into tourist mode the moment I landed in Berlin. Two days before race day, my idea of rest includes walking 20-30k steps a day — which obviously, is not part of the plan. I celebrated a run I haven’t even started yet. Had I been more mindful, I would have wanted stronger legs more than those Instagram posts. If I hadn’t realized my choices were hindering me, I might not have been wiser he next time.

2. Accepting help isn't weakness
I needed help and that's okay.

Two runners volunteered to guide me as I was limping my way to the finish line. I wanted to feel like I could manage myself so I responded egoistically "No, I'm fine! (When clearly I’m not)”.

My sister and a friend ran with me at km 37. They were spectators but figured I would power through, alongside their loud cheers and crazy company and that couldn't be more true.

3. Record a video. Drink the beer.
Remember when I said to trust the process — I meant that. But we also need to have fun. That enjoyment carried me through when my legs felt like giving up. So, tap those Mario power-up placards, stop and take videos, high-five kids, and for crying out loud, hunt the photographers and SMILE for the perfect race photos. 😉

My second world marathon major will definitely be under Coach Ken’s guidance.

Editor’s note: Sam’s personal bests include: 8k (2023) : 40:35, 10k (2022) : 53:58, 21k (2023) : 1:58:25, 42k (2023) : 5:55:48

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